Roadshow Catalogue

Close to businesses and practice - Events on energy efficiency and climate protection in your region

 For many years, companies have been facing the challenges posed by the energy transition. These challenges also come with opportunities to rethink and optimize processes, behaviour and management. In order to trigger reasonable change processes for climate policy and business, the SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection prepared a catalogue of events proposed by professional associations, organizations and companies. These events which may be organized nationwide shall provide a platform for a hands-on discussion of the opportunities for businesses in the area.  

 Energy efficient compressed air systems, photovoltaic and power generation by the company itself, cogeneration, energy efficiency networks, financing models for energy efficiency projects, resource efficiency or CO2 accounting for SMEs are just a few topics that are covered by the roadshow catalogue.

  Twice a year the catalogue is updated and supplemented with new topics to cover the latest development in energy and climate policy.


Service Point of the SME Initiative

Katja Willeke

Tel.: 030 20308-2242


Download PDF here
(German Language only)


Partner der Mittelstandsinitiative

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Deutsscher Industrie und Handelskammertag Zentralverband des deutschen Handwerks