German SME Initiative Energiewende and Climate Protection

When announcing the energy transition, Germany decided to switch the country’s power supply to renewables. Efficient use of energy is key to the success of the energy transition and the competitiveness of businesses. Equally important for the success of the energy transition is its wide acceptance by all stakeholders in politics, business and society. 
The SME Initiative Energiewende and Climate Protection (Mittelstandsinitiative Energiewende und Klimaschutz) supports the German SME sector in implementing the energy transition. It aims at exploring the energy saving potential in companies and improving their energy efficiency. The German SME Initiative Energiewende and Climate Protection invites companies for a dialogue by offering information and training as well as concrete assistance and by providing them with local contacts. Read more...


Partner der Mittelstandsinitiative

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Deutsscher Industrie und Handelskammertag Zentralverband des deutschen Handwerks