Guides For Practice

Corporate Mobility Management

For businesses mobility primarily means access to customers and business partners as well as good accessibility of workplaces for employees. The practical guide presents the basic methodology and a number of insightful practical examples of corporate mobility management to support companies in introducing their own sustainable and cost effective mobility management system.

 Download Guide (German)

Practical guide to employee motivation, climate protection and energy efficiency

In addition to all technical measures the "human factor" plays a central role in energy savings of a company. Often the employees know best where the saving potentials of their companies are hidden. It is therefore important to help employees aware of climate protection and energy efficiency and to make them play an active role in identifying energy saving potentials. Using best practice examples, the practical guide offers concrete implementation measures.

 Download Guide (German)

Analysis of the factors constraining and facilitating the implementation of energy efficiency measures

The SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection in a nationwide and cross-sectoral survey asked approximately 1,000 companies which measures they have implemented in the field of energy efficiency and what prevents them from doing more. Apart from reasons such as lack of time and personnel, particular doubts regarding the financial viability and profitability of measures were stated as an obstacle. This has resulted in recommendations for action in order to professionalize the energy efficiency sector.

  Download Guide (German)


Service Point of the SME Initiative

Jan-Peter Vasiliadis

Tel.: 030 20308-2241


Partner der Mittelstandsinitiative

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Deutsscher Industrie und Handelskammertag Zentralverband des deutschen Handwerks